CalTeach graduates in STEM majors are highly diverse.
In comparison to all UC STEM majors, CalTeach graduates are more diverse across an array of demographic indicators, including gender, ethnicity and families’ college background.
In keeping with the program’s mission to prepare educators who themselves reflect the growing diversity of California students, more than two-thirds of 2015–16 CalTeach STEM graduates were from underrepresented-minority or Asian backgrounds.
CalTeach participants are working in high-need schools.
In 2015–16, CalTeach students participated in field placements in almost 200 K–12 schools ranging widely in economic and educational characteristics, where they gained real-world classroom experience. Nearly 45 percent of the students were placed in low-performing and high-need schools, based on the state’s Academic Performance Index (API 1–5).
All data shown are the most recent available. New numbers will be posted as updated information is collected and processed.